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10 minute workouts you can do with your kids!
We're moms.  We're busy.  We never stop moving.  BUT we still need to make time to squeeze in some exercise for our own health.  As an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and Group Fitness Instructor I believe that "health" means so much more than the foods you put into your body.  Health also incorporates other aspects of your life--relationships, spirituality, career (your daily work) and exercise.  Exercise is a part of self-care--something us moms NEED to not just to survive, but to thrive!  Strengthening our muscular and cardiovascular systems are vital to our well-being!  And who couldn't use a little endorphin rush amongst all the stress of the daily grind???
Here are just a few of the many benefits of exercise:  stress relief, more energy, mood lifter, prevents some diseases and health conditions, controls weight, better sleep, better sex and just makes you feel better in your own skin!
No matter where you are or if the kids are with you, here are some workouts you can do in just 10 minutes:
- Jump on the trampoline
- Jump rope
- Play tag with your kids
- Power walk, jog or run while pushing your stroller
- Mini Bootcamp session:  Push ups, jumping jacks, burpees, floor tricep dips, high knee jog (1 minute each exercise, two times through)
- Do squats while drying your hair or folding laundry
- Walking lunges throughout your house (try this with a kid on your back)
- Pop in a workout DVD (T-25, Yoga with Adriene, Jillian Michaels)
- Walk to a park and run around and play like a kid
Once you see how good exercise makes you feel you can lengthen the duration or combine a few of these suggestions throughout your day!  Have FUN!!!
Jenni McInnes
Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
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Jenni is a wife and mom of four kids--10 year old triplets plus a 3 year old!  When she gets a break from her kids you might find her teaching a group fitness class or going for a run.  Jenni also enjoys spending time with her family--out doors, at the beach or watching a basketball game.